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99.95 for 3 Months
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ONE TIME OFFER: Along with our membership you can get a meal plan customized specifically to your plan, your needs, and your preferences. One of the biggest questions we get asked is, "I don't know where to start with my food". This customized meal plan will eliminate all the guess work from the start. With a coach in your pocket, and a meal plan in hand you will start dropping pounds and inches from day one. This will ensure that you acheive the body of your dreams for only $29.95!

Meal Plan Sneak Peak
Secure credit card payment
This is a secure 256-bit AES encrypted payment
This Offer Expires In...
What Happens After I Buy?
  • After you check out, you'll be sent to a page with instructions on how to get started.
  • Just in case you need to reference this information again, you'll get an e-mail with these same instructions.
Please Note: The two-week free trial period only applies to the weekly offer. This discount price will remain for the duration of your membership and will recur every 3 months. You may cancel at any time.