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Get Lean. Eat Real Food. Feel AWESOME!

Weight loss on a diet is rarely permanent. You end up with nowhere to go after all is said and done and there is nothing left but to gain it all back.

I know you've been through this before.  We all have.

The 365 Fat Loss Solution solves this problem by giving you your Wave Numbers - a baseline Calorie & nutrient intake that reverses the negative effects of both restrictive dieting and chronic overeating.  This method is designed to help you to build momentum towards strategic periods of performance-focused fat loss.  These periods of focused fat loss usually last only 10 weeks. 

Most important of all, you have somewhere to go when those 10 weeks are over -- right back to your Wave Numbers.  This is the 365 Fat Loss Solution in a nutshell; you're riding the wave up and down to optimize your fat loss while simultaneously building performance in all areas of life.

Get A Chapter For FREE!
Why Does It Work?

The key is periodization!  You can't diet all the time; you need to go up and down!  Many people come to Eat To Perform after trying countless diets that leave them dashed on the jagged rocks of fat loss beach, confused and broken.  

The 365 Fat Loss Solution is a plan for the times you're dieting as much as it is a plan for the times when you're just coasting along.  Tying it all together means sustainable results that don't disappear after 30 days.

Get Lean. Eat Real Food. Feel AWESOME!

Weight loss on a diet is rarely permanent. You end up with nowhere to go after all is said and done and there is nothing left but to gain it all back.

I know you've been through this before.  We all have.

The 365 Fat Loss Solution solves this problem by giving you your Wave Numbers - a baseline Calorie & nutrient intake that reverses the negative effects of both restrictive dieting and chronic overeating.  This method is designed to help you to build momentum towards strategic periods of performance-focused fat loss.  These periods of focused fat loss usually last only 10 weeks. 

Most important of all, you have somewhere to go when those 10 weeks are over -- right back to your Wave Numbers.  This is the 365 Fat Loss Solution in a nutshell; you're riding the wave up and down to optimize your fat loss while simultaneously building performance in all areas of life.

Get A Chapter For FREE!
Why Does This Work?

The key is periodization!  You can't diet all the time; you need to go up and down!  Many people come to Eat To Perform after trying countless diets that leave them dashed on the jagged rocks of fat loss beach, confused and broken.  

The 365 Fat Loss Solution is a plan for the times you're dieting as much as it is a plan for the times when you're just coasting along.  Tying it all together means sustainable results that don't disappear after 30 days.

Burn Fat WITHOUT Feeling Hungry All The Time
It's Not A Secret...It's SCIENCE!
Fat Loss Manual & 365 Fat Loss Solution eBooks
$19.95 Single Payment
Become A Member!
Only $2.30 a week
3 Month Membership + Fat Loss Manual & 365 Fat Loss Solution
Includes 3 BONUS eBooks:  Meal Planning, Flexible Eating, & Recipe Guides
$29.95 Single Payment  for 3 Months
You're Not Alone!

If you're in it for the long haul, you've already learned this the hard way:  not everyone is supportive of your health and fitness goals.  Family and friends may not "get it" and present you with numerous objections as to why you should stay the same.  You can't blame 'em...they love you but they may not understand how important this is to you. 

On the flipside, we've got the army of trolls and undesirables who inhabit the internet, giving bad advice, telling you you're not good enough, and criticizing you for the most inane things.  It can be difficult to keep your spirits up when you encounter a hurdle if you don't have anyone positive to talk to.  It's easier to give up when you feel - despite your best efforts - like you're doing everything wrong, all by yourself... 

From the moment we started Eat To Perform, we knew we wanted to do more than just sell eBooks.  We believe at our very core that life is better and that more quality work can be done when we band together in support of one another.  The relationships we form with our customers matter to us - in fact, most of our coaches and even some of our backend staff started off as ETP Members.  Where would we be without them?  Where would we be without you? 

With that in mind, we created the Science Lab Forum to provide ongoing support and create a home base for our members but it's much more than that.  The forums are where our coaches answer your toughest questions, where we share our food & workout logs, where the coaching staff helps you adjust your macros in response to changes in goals and life.  It's a safe haven to share your successes and failures. 

Our Members Are Burning Fat Using The REAL Science Of Human Nutrition - No Fads, No Magic Pills, No Restriction, Just Real Food And Results That Last!
Get the Knowledge, Support, and tools you need to succeed!
49.95 Single Payment
1 Year Membership + Fat Loss Manual & Wave Method
Includes 3 BONUS eBooks:  Meal Planning, Flexible Eating, & Recipe Guides
Money Back Guarantee!
All Of This Is Included In Your Membership!
Get The Knowledge You Need To Succeed!
365 Fat Loss Solution
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