Phase 2 Week 4 REMIX
Day 1A:  Upper Body Heavy
Click each exercise for a brief video demonstration.
A1. BB Bench Press:  5 sets of 5 reps, superset with A2 
A2. Band Pull-Apart:  5 sets of 12-15 reps, 2 minutes rest
B1. Neutral Grip Pull-up:  5 sets of 5 reps, 2 second peak contraction, superset with B2
B2. Push-up:  5 sets of max reps,  3-0-3 tempo, 2 minutes rest
C1. Push Press:  5 sets of 5 reps, superset with C2
C2. Bent Over Lateral Raise:  5 sets of 10-12 reps, 2 minutes rest 
Day 1B:  Abs & Cardio Session 1 (of 4)
DURING A SEPARATE SESSION, perform 1 round of this interval circuit:  3 sets of 12-15 reps on an exercise of your choice (cable crunch, swiss ball crunch, decline sit-ups, decline leg raise, or serratus crunch), no rest. Then 10 mins steady state cardio(120-140bpm), no rest. Repeat 3-4 times.
Day 2A:  Lower Body Volume
Click each exercise for a brief video demonstration.
A. Natural Leg Extensions From the Box:  4 sets of 20 reps,   2 mins
B. Reverse Landmine Squat:  4 sets of 6 full reps (heavy)/drop 25%/12 top partials,  2 minutes rest, each set is 6 full reps + 12 partials at lower weight
C. Arms Angled DB Squat:   10 reps w/DBs, 10 reps w/ NO DBs, 10 reps  w/DBs), 2 minutes rest
D. Lying Dumbbell Hamstring Curl:  4 sets of 20 reps w/DB, 10 reps NO DBs, 2 minutes rest
E. DB Romanian Deadlift:  3 sets of 10 reps, feet together + 8 mid stance + 6 wide stance, 2 minutes rest 
Day 2B:  Abs & Cardio Session 2 (of 4)
DURING A SEPARATE SESSION, perform 1 round of this interval circuit:  3 sets of 12-15 reps on an exercise of your choice (cable crunch, swiss ball crunch, decline sit-ups, decline leg raise, or serratus crunch), no rest. Then 10 mins steady state cardio(120-140bpm), no rest. Repeat 3-4 times.
Day 3:  Upper Body Intensity
Click each exercise for a brief video demonstration.
Do 1-3 warm up sets of 8-10 reps to find your starting weight. Then perform 1 work set as prescribed. 

A. Kneeling DB Biceps Curls:  1 set of 8-10 reps (failure), rest 15s, max reps with same weight, drop 25% - max reps with 5s eccentric, drop 25%, max reps with 5s concentric
B. Triceps Resistance Band Pushdown:  4 Tabata rounds, 20:10, 4 Tabata rounds, 20:10
C. Seated DB Lateral Elbow Raise:  1 set of 8-10 reps (failure), rest 15s, max reps with same weight, drop 25% - max reps with 5s eccentric, drop 25%, max reps with 5s concentric
D. DB Rear Delt Flys:  1 set of 8-10 reps (failure), rest 15s, max reps with same weight, drop 25% - max reps with 5s eccentric, drop 25%, max reps with 5s concentric
E. DB Neutral Grip Floor Press:  1 set of 8-10 reps (failure), rest 15s, max reps with same weight, drop 25% - max reps with 5s eccentric, drop 25%, max reps with 5s concentric
F. Bent BB Rows (Pendlay Stance):  1 set of 8-10 reps (failure), rest 15s, max reps with same weight, drop 25% - max reps with 5s eccentric, drop 25%, max reps with 5s concentric   
Day 4A:  Lower Body Heavy
Click each exercise for a brief video demonstration.
A. Front Squat:  5 sets of 5 reps, 2 minutes rest
B. Sumo Deadlift:  5 sets of 5 reps, 2-3 minutes rest
C. Bulgarian Split Squat:  3 sets of 6-8 per leg, 2 minutes rest
Day 4B:  Abs & Cardio Session 3 (of 4)
Perform 1 round of this interval circuit:  3 sets of 12-15 reps on an exercise of your choice (cable crunch, swiss ball crunch, decline sit-ups, decline leg raise, or serratus crunch), no rest. Then 10 mins steady state cardio(120-140bpm), no rest. Repeat 3-4 times.
Day 5:  Upper Body Volume
Click each exercise for a brief video demonstration.
A. Lateral Raises 3 Ways:  3 sets of 8-10 reps, partial heavy + 8-10 normal + 8-10 light full range, 2 minutes rest
B. Lateral Medley:  3 sets of 8-10 reps for first move and max reps for the others, 2 minutes rest
C. Rope Straight-arm Pulldown 2 Positions (BANDED):  4 sets of 8-10  reps per position, 2 minutes rest
D. Accentuated Eccentric Seated Row (BANDED):  5 sets of 8-10 reps, 2 minutes rest
E. 2POS WIDE GRIP PULLUPS:  3 sets of 8-10 reps behind neck + max reps same weight in front, BODYWEIGHT, 2 minutes rest
Day 6:  Lower Body Intensity
Click each exercise for a brief video demonstration.
Do 1-3 warm up sets of 8-10 reps to find your starting weight. Then perform 1 work set as prescribed.
A. Natural Leg Extensions From Box:  4 Tabata rounds, 20:10 ratio, 4 Tabata rounds, 20:10 ratio
B. Lying DB Hamstring Curl:  1 set of 8-10 reps (failure), rest 15s, max reps with same weight, drop 25% - max reps with 5s eccentric, drop 25%, max reps with 5s concentric
C. Reverse Landmine Squat: 1 set of 8-10 reps (failure), rest 15s, max reps with same weight, drop 25% - max reps with 5s eccentric, drop 25%, max reps with 5s concentric
Day 7:  Abs & Cardio Session 4 (of 4)
Perform 1 round of this interval circuit:  3 sets of 12-15 reps on an exercise of your choice (cable crunch, swiss ball crunch, decline sit-ups, decline leg raise, or serratus crunch), no rest. Then 10 mins steady state cardio(120-140bpm), no rest. Repeat 3-4 times.
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